Thank you for applying!
If you reside outside of the United States, 请按照本页提供的说明提交本科申请. This also includes U.S. citizens residing abroad.
Susquehanna University international Application Common Application
完成本科入学在线申请(没有申请费): Susquehanna University 国际 Application or Common Application
如果您通过在线申请提供电子邮件地址,辅导员将向我们提交学校成绩单. Or ask an administrator of your high school to send a School Report Form directly to the Office of 入学. If you do not send a School Report Form, 您将被要求发送所有中学的官方或证明的学业成绩单, post-secondary schools and universities.
托福考试, 需要雅思或多邻国英语考试成绩报告-可免除SU ELL毕业生, or if your high school instruction is in English for all years. Unofficial (screenshot or PDF) reports will be accepted.
Two recommendation letters. 强烈建议你从学校辅导员那里得到一份. The other can come from a teacher or professor.
Passport copy of your name and photo page.
完成 国际 学生 Financial 援助 Application (PDF). 请 note that full scholarships are not available.
如果英语不是你的母语,你将被要求出示英语水平证明. This can be accomplished by taking the Duolingo English Test 或者通过发送以下考试之一的官方成绩报告.
Internet-based minimum score: 80
Computer-based minimum score: 213
Paper-based minimum score: 550
官方复印件必须直接从测试服务中心发送. Our school code is 2820.
如果你是 a first-year undergraduate freshman applicant, 你的英语要求可以通过在坐考试的批判性阅读部分达到至少450分来满足.
如果你是 a first-year undergraduate freshman applicant, 你的英语要求可以通过在行为考试的英语部分达到至少19分来满足.
- If you have attended an IB (国际 Baccalaureate) 高中项目或美国高中在国外,你不需要证明英语水平. 如果你所在的高中是全英文授课的,你也可以免税. 请 联系 your admission counselor for details.
- 如果你想申请入学,但你还没有达到我们的英语水平要求, you can apply for conditional admission. 如果你是 granted a conditional admission, you will be assigned to our on-campus English Language Learners (魔法)项目.
- 你也可以参加我们的英语语言合作机构: ELS Language Centers (Level 112 must be completed successfully for transfer). An official transcript will be required.
欢迎希望从认可的(或政府认可的)两年制和四年制大学转学的申请人申请浩博体育app. 除非你的转学机构有衔接协议, transfer credit will be awarded on an individual basis.
请 complete the Susquehanna University 国际 Application.
如果你完成了少于一年的大学水平课程(30学分), 如果你想获得优秀奖学金,请发送你的官方坐或行为成绩.
您的官方托福,雅思或剑桥英语考试成绩将被要求. 请 see our English Proficiency Requirements.
Two letters of reference from faculty members will be required. Passport copy of your name and photo page.
完成 国际 学生 Financial 援助 Application. 如果你是 transferring from another US university on an F-1学生签证,您必须与指定的学校官员一起填写SEVIS转学表格. 在SEVIS完成转学后,浩博体育app将向您签发新的I-20表格.
了解浩博体育app与中国高校的合作项目, 请联系. Xiaobin Li at +86 13031060396 or
If you have taken any of the examinations listed below, 根据你的专业选择和成绩(分数),你可能有资格获得转学分奖励。.
Advanced Placement (AP) ExamsAP成绩达到4或5分,相当于4个学期的课程学分. 看到我们的 预估信贷政策.
国际 Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma/Exams: IB高级考试成绩达到5分或更高,相当于4个学期的课程学分. IB证书获得者可以获得每个学科领域最多两门课程的学分,其中更高级别(HL)考试成绩达到5分或以上, 以大学相关部门的最终确认为准.
GCE A-Level Results普通教育证书高级水平(GCE)成绩为C或更高,每次A-level考试最多可获得6个学分.
Foreign Credit Evaluation: 如果你计划从非美国大学转学分.S. 大学,你需要给我们寄一份官方的每门课程评估报告. You may do so using SpanTran, The Evaluation Company — offering a discounted price with our personalized link — or World Education Service.
如果你在申请入学方面需要帮助,或者需要美国大学的帮助.S. 高等教育系统,你可以和你祖国的专业顾问谈谈. 美国教育中心 has over 400 advising centers throughout the world. And the service is free. 请Visit 美国教育中心 to find an advising center near you.
如果你是 receiving a scholarship from a government, educational organization, or an approved third-party company, you are considered a sponsored student.
担保学生的入学要求与所有其他国际学生申请人相同. 然而, 代替国际学生经济援助申请, 必须提供官方赞助函和财务担保文件. The amount of support should be declared in U.S. 美元.
American Councils for 国际 Education
Brazil Science Mobility Program
Higher Committee for Educational Development in Iraq (HCED)
Institute of 国际 Education (IIE)
Institutional Research & Exchanges Board (IREX)
King Abdullah Scholarship Program (Saudi Arabia)